Bulawayo Riverside infill stand For sale Measuring 1.5acres title deed3bedroomed cottage$57000USD terms acceptable Call or WhatsApp 0774193143...
SELBOURNE BROOKE(Bulawayo)Upmarket StandsInfill Stand for sale Townhouse standOn 350m2 Fully serviced Ready to build stand Price $20 000...
Nkulumane West Stands13km away from town using Khami Rd/Solusi Rd(27.50 per square metre* 200sqm = 5,500Usd* 225sqm = 6187usd* 250SQM -$6875usd* 300sqm = $6000* 424sqm = 6,500SERVICING IN PROGRESS* 30% Deposit of total purchase price• Balance payable in installments for a period of 18monthsApp/...
House for saleEntumbane 4roomed 2beds sitting room kitchen Semi detached Sitting on 200sqm Council cession papers Price $17000USD...
BULAWAYO Airport rd plots5ha arable landSuitable for farming horticulture Loamy soils Title deeds26km from cbd along Nkayi roadElectricty available $60000Terms acceptedCall or WhatsApp 0774193143...
Stands for sale KILLARNEY marvel township1000m2 standServiced zesa sewer water title deeds$26000Reasonable deposit accepted balance payable in 12months ...
BULAWAYO Emganwini West 200ha land suitable for high density residential standsPrice $2.5millionTitle deedCall or WhatsApp 0774193143...
Bulawayo Riverside infill stand For sale Measuring 1.5acres title deed3bedroomed cottage$57000USD terms acceptable Call or WhatsApp 0774193143...
Bulawayo Stands Riverside StandsMeasuring 1acre fully serviced Electricty Council water available with title deedReady to build standPrice $52000USD...
SELBOURNE Brooke Infill Stand for sale On 1776m2 Corner standFully serviced $45000Call or whstsapp ...
BUTCHERY TO RENTBulawayo CBD6avenue and Herbert chitepo In a busy streetRent 2800usd plus depositOCCUPATION 1february Call or WhatsApp ...
Nkulumane 5 House for sale 2bedroomed Sitting room Kitchen Separate bath and toilet On 200sqm Priced at $23000Title deedOwner available App/call +263774193143...
Nkulumane 12 nhliziyo townshipStands for sale On 200sqm Serviced Water sewer available Price $6000Terms accepted Balance payable in 6months ...
BULAWAYO Kensington Agro Residential Plots.Along Byo Joburg Rd.2acres Price $30 000 title deeds 5acres Price $55000 ) Arable land.Serviced17km from CBD.Title deeds.Suitable for market gardening or any farming projects.Borehole water table 40m.Easy payment terms.Reasonable deposit balance o...